

Here are a few of my favorite things: Nintendo, Penny Arcade, The Legend of Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Harvest Moon, Fallout, Dungeons and Dragons, books, dice, Professor Layton, Shadow of the Colossus, Minecraft, and so much more. I'm going to talk a lot about video games, I sincerely hope you don't mind.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 was good, but 2012 will be even better.

I'll be ringing in the New Year with Link, who has had 
way too much Lon Lon bourbon already.

More likely than not your news feeds are chock full of New Years wrap ups, so please stick around and read just one more :)

When the year started I didn't imagine that this geeky corner of mine would turn into such a big part of my life. Upping the ante to almost daily postings and vlogs was a fantastic decision. They are things that made me nervous to think about, which was what told me they were good ideas. Ultimately they have made me happy.

The vlog aspect has, especially, been a nerve-wracking challenge that has proven to be quite rewarding. After wrapping the pilot, Andrew and I starting bubbling with a multitude of ideas and improvements; I really can't wait to share the next one with you all!

I haven't been able to sleep for the past week because I'm so full of excitement regarding 2012 and everything I have planned for A Bit of Geek. Here are a few things I have in mind; I think there will be a little something for everyone!

-An A Bit of Geek store featuring a variety of handmade wares including:

-- paper crafts/sculpts of the video game persuasion

-- dice bags

-- costume items (?!)

-More geek related photography in my current Etsy shop

-Increased frequency of vlogs

-Further site redesigns

-"Week of" features, such as the comic book week that just happened

Those are the things just off the top of my head! I know that more successful brainstorming sessions are in store.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading this year. I appreciate each and every one of you. See you on the other side with plenty more geekery :) Have a lovely new year!



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