

Here are a few of my favorite things: Nintendo, Penny Arcade, The Legend of Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Harvest Moon, Fallout, Dungeons and Dragons, books, dice, Professor Layton, Shadow of the Colossus, Minecraft, and so much more. I'm going to talk a lot about video games, I sincerely hope you don't mind.

Monday, June 4, 2012

'My Neighbor Totoro' paper sculpt!

Heyo! Here's my finalized 'My Neighbor Totoro' paper sculpt! It took me the better part of three days and I could not be happier with it! I talk about it a bit in my most recent video, and photographic reproductions of it are now available for sale in my Etsy shop!

Paper sculpting is a relatively new interest for me, but I already feel so much happiness and satisfaction from it. I have a new piece in the works that I can't wait to reveal to everyone! In the meantime, enjoy these in-progress and finished photos of my Totoro piece. 

my neighbor totoro

my neighbor totoromy neighbor totoro
my neighbor totoromy neighbor totoro
my neighbor totoromy neighbor totoro
my neighbor totoromy neighbor totoro

my neighbor totoro

my neighbor totoro

my neighbor totoromy neighbor totoro

my neighbor totoro

my neighbor totoro

All the love to Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli for creating such a magical film!



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